
If you are on a journey and you are not pleased with the direction it is taking, maybe it is time to change tracks.

By Kass Thomas

Dancing with Riches

A self-empowerment manual

“What can I add to my life today that will bring me more ease, more joy, and more of an exuberant expression of living?”

It is a question I have lived by all my life.

This book is about my life and how I have lived it, and how I use the tools of Access Consciousness™ to expand it even more.

I hope this book invites you to see all that is possible for you, no matter how many times you think you have succeeded or failed. No matter what your dreams or fears are. No matter how perfect or disastrous you think or thought your life to be.

This is a how-to book. It shows you how to incorporate these tools into your daily life and alter your way of thinking.

the Author

Kass Thomas

Kass Thomas is a successful business entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and empowerment coach.

The depth and range of her life and career experiences inspire people to explore more choices and possibilities.

For almost 20 years she has been using the tools of Access Consciousness™ and inviting people to activate the changes they are looking for.

Find Access Consciousness™ Classes by Kass on her website, kassthomas.com, where you can also discover 7steps, a unique approach to communication designed to optimize your success when it comes to relating to others with ease.

In April 2021, she launched her brand new 3 STEPS Program: a Journey that will allow you to recognize that you are the source of creation for your future and that now is the time to Step In, Step Up and Step Out to create the future you have always known was possible but perhaps, up until now, have not been willing or able to actualize.

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Open Book

It fills me with joy to watch how quickly and easily someone can start creating more in their life, with their body and their financial situation, just by choosing to do so.

– Kass Thomas

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